Happy summer to you! Hopefully it's sunny and summery where you are, cuz here in Santa Barbara it's foggy and gray (typical June Gloom weather for us!).
When I started this blog a year and a half ago, it was a rather half-baked idea. I knew I wanted to start blogging, I knew I loved food, photography, etc., but I didn't really know what exactly I wanted my blog's focus to be. Pretty quickly it seemed that the blog was mostly about food with a few sprinkling of other topics peppered throughout.
After a lot of thought I have decided to transition the food-blog parts of this blog to a more appropriate page. So with that, I give you Sealed with a Whisk. Sealed with a Whisk is where you will find delicious recipes and some mediocre photography =) Montalvo Country will remain active, but will be more of a personal/family blog. The existing recipes posted on Montalvo Country will remain as they are, and will also appear on SWAW.
Please come join the fun on Sealed with a Whisk! (Psst, there is a ridiculous yummy recipe up today!) Thank you so much for your support and kind words as I've developed this blog. I appreciate all of you and can't wait to continue to bring you recipes you will love.